Min Lee Loh, Cigna Healthcare Singapore
Min Lee Loh
Manager, Health & Clinical Services
Cigna Healthcare Singapore

Min Lee is a registered nurse trained in Singapore with over 10 years of clinical and corporate experience. At Cigna Healthcare, Min Lee leads a team of dedicated clinical case managers and oversees clinical operations.

Revolutionizing case management’s day to day work from supporting complex cases to initiating health and wellness programme and adding value to the case managers’ expertise, all while maintaining the emphasis on being customer’s advocate as priority.

Prior to joining Cigna Healthcare in 2018, she worked with various stakeholders and successfully operationalized a health and wellness project targeted to affluent customers at International SOS.

Email: minlee.loh@cignahealthcare.com
My Sessions
Closing Panel Discussion: Employee Experience: Are You Going Above and Beyond?
Panel discussion Legends Ballroom